Satellites are enablers for tackling climate change-衛星が拓く、気候変動対策の未来-(English Caption)
This initiative provides a critical foundation for accurately assessing the impacts of climate change and formulating effective countermeasures. In this feature, guided by Professor Tadahiro Hayasaka from the Graduate School of Science at Tohoku University and Advisor to the Director General of JAXA's Earth Observation Research Center, we will explore how satellite technology addresses climate change and its anticipated advancements in the future.
日本語字幕版(Japanese Caption):
・Satellite navigator website
・Earth observation data site
▼JAXA(国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
#JAXA #衛星 #地球観測衛星 #人工衛星 #宇宙 #気候変動 #地球温暖化